Saturday, May 28, 2016

PeopleTools 8.54+ - Branding System Options - Additional JavaScript Objects

I noticed something interesting with the Branding System Options - Additional JavaScript Objects feature in PeopleTools 8.54+ environments that allows us to inject javascripts in all Classic pages/components.

If we add javascript objects to the Branding System Options, then it is possible that the javascript could fire more than once.

For the purpose of this demonstration, the javascript just does a simple print to the console.

Let us see this in action.

As you can see above, I first navigated to the Classic Homepage and found that the javascript may have fired more than once - notice the 2 preceding the 'Hello...' message in the Console. Let us now inspect the document elements and find our script in the DOM.

Classic Homepage:

You can see that there are 3 occurrences of the script name (CSK_CLASSIC_TEST_JS) in the DOM. The first one is in the head element (which is probably the expected location), the second one is again in the head element (with an ID of HC_UX_SRCH_PLT_GBL_8_HAScript) and the last one is in the body under HC_UX_SRCH_PLT_GBL pagelet which I am assuming is part of the Company Directory pagelet.

 Now, let us navigate further to a Classic component. We can see in the console again that the javascript has fired more than once.

Let us now inspect the document elements and find our script in the DOM.

Classic Component:

You can see that there are 2 occurrences of the script name (CSK_CLASSIC_TEST_JS) in the DOM. The first one is as expected in the head element and the second one is in the 'Target Content' frame.

What is the problem?

Well, there is nothing wrong with the way it works. In some cases, it may be desired that the javascript gets fired several times, once per header, pagelet, target frame, etc.

But it is good to keep this in mind when we are trying to inject javascript libraries into the application which we generally want to load only once per page. In such cases, we might find some inconsistent results if we use the Branding System Options. In such scenarios, it is probably best to utilize requireJS - one of the most popular frameworks around for managing dependencies between modules which is now delivered with 8.55 as part of Oracle JET. Click here for an example of how to use requireJS in PeopleTools 8.55+ applications.

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